Bringing Affordable Microbiology Quality Testing to Breweries of All Sizes

“It’s a feeling I hope you never experience: You crack open an ice cold beer after a long day, take a sip expecting the familiar hoppy, bubbly goodness to hit your taste buds, and instead, you get a mouthful of flat, acrid sludge.

You’ve just tasted rotten beer. And no one’s higher on your s&*t list than the brewers who bottled it..”

— Maddie Stone, from the article “Why Brewers Are DNA-Testing Beer for Bacterial Infections”.


What's in Your Brew?

Performing regular microbiology plating and PCR analysis will give you the information to make decisions about problems identified early in the brewing process.

At best,
microbial spoilers can make beer taste terrible.

At worst,
these contaminants can ruin your brewery's reputation.

The Process


You Get Your Sample To Us


You can ship, drop off or arrange for pickup of your sample (local St. Louis area only).


We Test It


You select the types of analyses from a list of brewery lab services.


You Get Data to Make Decisions


You get a report emailed in a timely manner letting you know whether or not spoilers are present in your brew.

STL BREW LAB makes sure your beer is free from spoilers.

Beer Spoiler Detection -

Microbial Plating

The practice of microbial plating involves periodically sampling your brew throughout the process and seeing what grows. STL BREW LAB can plate your beer and give you information about the presence of low level contaminants present before they becomes a bigger problem.

Beer Spoiler Detection -


Genomic DNA is isolated from any microbes swimming around in your beer and analyzed by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). STL BREW LAB has PCR assays designed to detect the presence of all common beer spoilers. Next day results available for an additional fee.

Yeast culture.PNG

Be proactive about quality and sleep better at night.

Protect your brand.

STL Brew Lab

Bringing Science to the Art of Brewing