Master Brewer Academy - Miami: Online Brewing Science Course

James is very excited to start the Master Brewer Academy - Miami Brewing Science Online Course tonight. This course is a 2 week immersion into the science behind the brewing process. STL BREW LAB’s focus and expertise is in the microbiology and molecular biology of brewing. The brewing science online course gives James the opportunity to become more proficient in the chemistry side of the brewing process. From the syllabus below, it looks like 5 of the 7 classes are related to chemistry. Very exciting!

A class syllabus (from the Master Brewer Academy website) :

  • Class 1: Malting, Milling, Malt & Enzymes, Mash pH & Temp

  • Class 2: Conversion, COA's, Calcs, "the Boil", "Ask an Expert"

  • Class 3: H2O Chem, Profiles / Styles, Calculations / Additions 

  • Class 4: Hop Prods & Selection, Lupulin, BU calcs, "Ask an Expert"

  • Class 5: Dry Hopping, Measuring BUs, Case Studies / Presentations

  • Class 6: Yeast, Sanitization, Monitoring Fermentation

  • Class 7: Pitching / Counting, Off-Flavors "Ask an expert"

​Thank you to the Todd Space and the MBA for offering this class online!


MBAA - District St. Louis - Educational Series - Sep. 2020


Why does my beer keep getting contaminated? [Infographic]